Sina Aboutorabi

Sina AboutorabiLecturer



  • Engineer's Degree (Terminal Advanced Graduate Degree), Astronautical Engineering, University of Southern California, 2018
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 2018
  • M.S. Astronautical Engineering, University of Southern California, 2013
  • B.S. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2008


Sina Aboutorabi is a multidisciplinary engineer and an experienced lecturer in electrical and astronautical engineering, specializing in the interdisciplinary areas of communications, astronautics, electronics and aerospace systems. With a strong foundation in electrical engineering and a focus on complex communications systems and aerospace technologies, he brings extensive expertise in the design and analysis of state-of-the-art systems for satellite, deep space, and wireless communications.

Research Interests

Aboutorabi's research interests lie at the intersection of electrical and astronautical engineering with a focus on advanced communications systems and signal design. Areas of expertise include deep space communications coding, spacecraft communications, wireless and mobile communications, digital communications with space applications. His research aims to develop innovative solutions to enhance communications reliability and efficiency for deep space, planetary, and interplanetary missions.